Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 01.40 - The Answers

"Can I have another Freezee Dad?  I'm so hungry!"

Well,  Paige had to go in for a procedure to figure out what the problem is with her digestion.  They did some testing, took some biopsies and looked around a bit.  Everything came back OK (which is great, and a relief, but we aren't any closer to an answer).  In preparation for the procedure, Paige had to abstain from eating any solid foods for the 12 hours before the procedure, which was at 1:00 p.m., because she had to go under general anesthesia.  So she ate quite a few freezees that day.  She also got to sport her brand new Dora the Explorer Pajamas that I picked out for her.  Pretty sweet right?


Paige's pool in the backyard recently went through an upgrade.  She loves the little slide.

"What are you doing up on that ladder Daddy?"

So, we had a squirrel decide that the attic would be a fantastic place to raise a family.  Made numerous trips up the ladder to block off / attempt to catch the squirrel.  In the end it chewed through a metal fence, and hasn't returned.  Paige really wanted to climb the ladder too.  I think she is a little too young to be grabbing at rabid pregnant squirrels, so I only let her climb up onto the bottom rung.  At least a nice photo came out of the mess that the squirrel caused.

"I get cake!  Cool."

Valerie decided that since the positive results from Paige's biopsies came that Paige should have cake on Friday night with my parents who were in town. 

1 comment:

Stephanie + David said...

I LOVE the purple shirt she's wearing in the cake picture! She looks so grown up!

We're really glad to hear that all the biopsies came back okay. Maybe she's just unlucky like aunt Steph and can't eat certain things (including Ponderosa!) without feeling the wrath of her digestive system ;)

Nice job on the Dora PJ's Jan!