Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 01.15 - The Triple McDuss 360°

"Yes, I stuck the landing!"

Well, it is Winter Olympics time, and that means one thing.  Not leaving the house for two weeks!  Grandpa Roger came up for a short visit, and Valerie was able to get a shot of the finish of the Triple McDuss 360°.  It can only properly be completed sitting in a diaper box.  Paige won first place when she pulled out the trick. 

Bonus Photos:
"C is for Cookie."

T is for Thief!  Busted.  We tend to store our cookies in the freezer.  Sort of an out of sight, out of mind kind of thing.  Paige snuck one of of the freezer though.

"See, I can do all sorts of things by myself.  You don't have to follow me around all the time.

Paige is starting to spend a little bit of time in her room alone.  When I checked in on her, she had climbed onto the rocking chair, and pulled her puzzle up with her.  It is hard to believe that she can do so many things all by herself now. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Week 01.14 - The Best Camera Is the One You Have With You

"You should dance too Dad, it is fun!"

Paige loves to hit the top of her Sit & Spin and dance to the music.  She gets super excited and stomps her feet and laughs.  I'll have to see if we can capture a video of it and upload it to flickr.  On an equipment note, the camera had to get shipped off to KEH along with my 70-200 because it was losing connection, so I didn't have it all week.  We had to resort to the point & shoot and the cell phones.  There were several times that I would have liked to have my Nikon with me, but you have to make due with what you have.   Plus, if you have a camera with you, then you can make a picture.  Without a camera, then you would have no picture.  Chase Jarvis was right.  (Now I just need to let myself believe it, and not fret so much over gear)

Bonus Photograph:

"Look, Momma.  I have a pony tail!"

Her hair is growing like mad.  (This one was taken with Valerie's Cell Phone.  Her LG has a much better camera on it than my Blackberry Storm. Photos taken with my phone are barely viewable, let alone printable.)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week 01.13 - Baking Cookies With Mom.

"Can, I have another one Momma?"

Nothing like baking chocolate chip cookies.  Paige had a good time, but kept trying to grab cookies when we weren't looking.

Bonus Photos:

"Uhhmm, I think I stuck."

Paige decided to grab her lamb from underneath the rocking chair.  She didn't plan her exit strategy.   So of course, the only reasonable thing to do was grab the camera and watch her figure it out on her own.  That is what we as parents are supposed to do right?  Allow our children to figure out things on their own, all while saving these things for posterity to bring out at our children's graduation party.

"I'm a big girl, I drink from a glass with a straw, not that baby sippy-cup."

Two seconds later Valerie was on her way down to the training room to get some towels.  Not quite there yet Paige, but she is starting to drink from a straw, as long as you don't let her hold the cup.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week 01.12 - Long-Distance Close-Up

"Good, you can stay that far away.  You were always in my space, and my business."

New (to me) lens is back from KEH where it was getting repaired.  It is a Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8.  The 200mm focal length takes some getting used to!  Not to mention the lens is a monster, so it will take some practice to get my hand-holding technique down.  This was the first shot with it that I was pretty happy about.  Once it warms up a little bit (in what oh, three months...), it will be fun to take Paige to the park and take some shots from more of a distance. 

Bonus photos:

Ok, so I couldn't decide if I liked this week's picture in color or black and white better, so why not post both!  Would be interested in hearing which people prefer and why.


"Oh, come on!  We were so close.  Even I know that there should only be 11 players in the huddle, and I'm just a baby!"

Paige took the defeat pretty hard.  (maybe not as hard as I did, but really, 12 men in the huddle?)

"Maybe we shouldn't have gotten up so early Dad.  I'm still tired."

Paige gets up by 6:30 most days.  Whether or not said day is a Saturday.  You'd think she would want to sleep in too....