Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 01.47 - Girl, Why'd You Run Away?

"Hurry Momma! I want to win!"

Paige participated in her first race at the Twin Cities Marathon Family Races Day.  She ran in the Toddler Trot.  She was a little scared at first with all of the confusion at the starting line when the race started, but she figured it out after a bit.  She loves to run, so it worked out well.  Judging from this photo, I am guessing she is going to have her Mother's running stride.  What do you think?

"Ready for daycare!"

"Fun, fun Daddy.  Let's run!"

Yeah, I'm that Dad who let's her kid run in the bleachers (well at least on the bottom layer).  I am sure it upset all five parents that were there to watch the JV Football game.

 "Look, momato."
"I got a medal!"


Mor Mor Teri said...

Awesome medal Paige. You go girl.

Stephanie + David said...

Yay Paige! I think it's so great that you guys are doing these things with her!

Getting her interested in exercise and being fit at such a young age is awesome!

You guys rule. And so does Paige. :)