Monday, March 28, 2011

Week 02.19 - The Sun Will Come Out.

"Is Winter over yet?"

we had a brief respite from the snow and cold.  The sun came out, and then it all came crashing back down with another snow storm.  Winter in Minnesota is relentless.  Good thing Paige likes to play in the snow, or it might be a little difficult.

Bonus Photos:
"You got any slides over there, cause I'm in the market for a nice big yellow one."

"Nothing like a good swing, right?"

"More ice cream, please?"

"I'll just sleep here on the floor for a bit, OK?"

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 02.18 - Thumb a Ride

"I can have whatever I want, and it will be delivered to me by train?  Hmmm...Macaroni Cheese, please."

We spent a few days vacation in the Wisconsin Dells at the Wilderness Resort.  It was a great time, and Paige had a blast.  Water-parks aren't exactly conducive to lots of photos, but Buffalo Phil's in the Dells certainly was. Paige loved the fact that her food was brought out to her on a train.  It truly was pretty cool.

Bonus Photos:

"Wisconsin is a barren waste-land of snow too, huh?"

We had a pretty big snow storm while we were at Grandpa Roger and Nanna Denise's place before we went to the Dells.  Which of course meant:

"It's my Snowman!"

Sadly, Frosty was pretty much gone by the next day.  Paige lamended the fact over and over.  "My snowman melted.  My snowman melted."

"Silly Momma.  Your hat is so tiny!"

We had a chance to ride along with the Project Linus float in the St. Patrick's Day Parade (which was held the Saturday before, rather than on St. Patrick's Day for some reason).  Paige stayed warm up in the truck while Valerie and I handed out candy.  It was super fun, and we even ran into Paige's cousin Ayden at the parade.  Paige gave him a huge handful of Tootsie Rolls.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week 02.17 - About Face.

"no, don't take my picture Daddy."

The desire to not be photographed is growing stronger in this one ever day.  now she is turning away from me and the camera a lot of the time that I take it out.  The above statement is always followed with "play with me" so I'm guessing she wants less photog dad and more jump on his back and pull his hair dad. I was hoping that I would make it until she was 12 before she started physically avoiding the camera.  Boo.

Bonus Photos:

"You can take my picture, but I'm not taking Momma's glasses off."

"One last phone call before bed, ok?"

"The more I shovel the more that it snows!"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 02.16 - March!

"Left..., Left..., Left, Right, Left."

Well, the snow doesn't seem to be going anywhere any time soon.  Might as well embrace it.  At least it is almost light still when we get home from work and daycare!

Bonus Photos:

"Is it ready yet?"

Paige helped Valerie make some M&M cookies.  She spilled a fair bit of flower before it got in the bowl, and perhaps made the cookies better.  Valerie is thinking of reducing the amount of flower she adds going forward.  Sounds like Paige has all the makings of a great pastry chef.  Ingenuity, and a desire to experiment with the classics.

"It's Cold!"

"Don't bother me now Daddy, I'm busy playing play-dough."

"Sheesh, I'm only 2, why do I have to study for the ACT exam already?"