Thursday, December 30, 2010

Week 02.06 - I See the Train A Comin'

"Look, the train came back!"

Paige loves to watch the Christmas ornaments, but she especially loves this one.  The train goes around a track in a circle, and ever time it comes back out of "the cave" she gets super excited.

She love Christmas as much as her Mother I think. 

Week 02.05 - Oh Tannenbaum.

 "This is the best Christmas ornament ever!  I love decorating the tree"

Time to decorate the tree again.  Paige had a great time putting her ornaments up.  Some of them were a little too important to trust to her fingers though. 

 "This one is pretty Momma.  Where should we put it?"

"Saint Nick came again.  What did he leave in my Boots?"

Friday, December 17, 2010

Week 02.04 - Need for Speed

"Don't let go Ayden, this is FUN!"

We had just enough snow at the cabin to do some serious sledding.  Paige, as per the usual, loved it.

"I need my mittens."

Paige has realized the importance, usefulness and necessity of mittens.  She will even ask for them some times.

"How will we ever find the perfect christmas tree in this vast wasteland?"

The annual Christmas Tree Hunt was a great success.  I think we might have found the best one yet.  Thank you Nyberg Tree Farm in Spirit, Wisconsin!

"C is for Cookie Momma."

I've got owie.  I need Band-Aid.  See?"

week 02.03 - Cards at the Cabin

"I guess I will take two tricks."

After Thanksgiving we took the annual trek to the Cabin for second weekend of deer hunting in Wisconsin.  Paige got to spend some quality time with Ayden, Denise, Valerie, Tiffany and Mandy while Roger, Bryan and I were running around in the woods.  So Paige wasn't actually playing cards, but it sure looks like it if you ask me.  We had a mildly successful hunt this year, Bryan and I both took small bucks.  The Minnesota hunt was successful as well, with my Dad taking a trophy buck.  Paige was interested in the deer, but continued to ask when they would wake up from being asleep.  I guess that is another of life's lessons that I will have to figure out how to explain soon.

"oooh, more cake!"

Birthday celebrations last a long time.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week 02.02 - Wrap Up and Snuggle

"I love you Kaija"

Kids and dogs.  A perfect match.

"Knuffle Bunny seems great, but he is no Kitty!"

Paige got all of the Knuffle Bunny books for her birthday from her Aunt Stephanie.  She loves them.


Even though it is winter, Paige still loves frozen yogurt.

Week 02.01 - Paige Julia Meets the Terrible Twos.

"Dora Boots.  Happy Birthday toooooo Paige!"

Paige had a fantastic birthday celebration, and got to dress up as the Dora birthday princess thanks to her Uncle Bryan and Mandy.  It is hard to believe she is already two.  In some ways it feels like she is still a tiny baby, and in others she is all grown up.

"Sock on.  Me do it."

Everything is "me do it" these days.  Thankfully some of the things she *can* actually do.  Carrying a bowl full of pomegranate salsa without dropping it is, sadly, not one of them.  Putting on socks, however, is one of them.