Sunday, June 20, 2010

Week 01.32 - The Petite Salon

"Is that my hair on the floor?  What's going on?"

Well, it had to happen some time.  Paige's first haircut.  A good friend of ours, Bridget who is at The Petite Salon, did a wonderful job, and Paige was such a trooper.  She sat still in the seat the entire time (ok, it only lasted about 10 minutes, and she had her bangs trimmed and the back straightened up a bit).  Though subtle, we think it looks great.

Bonus Photos:

"I'm not so sure Momma, I think the garage looked better before..."

As you will notice in the background the garage is in pretty rough shape.  Valerie took the week off to try and get it scraped and painted.  Alas the weather conspired against us.  At least the scraping is done and priming is underway now. 

"I'll get you my pretty!"

"Yogurt is greater than or equal to cheese."

Paige is on a yogurt kick.  She asks for it more than she asks for cheese.  I don't know what is going on.  Also, note the hair.  Looks good I think.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Week 01.31 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

"My turn Momma.  My turn."

Paige has to do everything that Momma does.  Including make-up.  Valerie was getting ready for our evening out for our sixth anniversary, and Paige had a go at the make-up. 

Bonus Photos:

"Samurai Chop!"

"Color, Color, Color!"

The coloring fest continues...

"Don't you love playing outside?"

Grabbed a quick shot between rain storms.  June sure is making up for the spring that we had. 

Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 01.30 - Use Your Napkin

"Nose?  Nose?"

Well, Paige has learned that she needs a napkin or a kleenex to wipe her nose.  Unfortunately, she thinks that each one is only good for one quick wipe.  Add this to the fact that she can now climb up onto the dining room chairs, and this is what you get.

Bonus Photos:
It was a hard week to choose the bonus photos.  A lot to choose from.

"Nothing more relaxing that a little camping."

"Time to color!"

It is amazing the things they have created.  They have these new markers (maybe they aren't new, and I just am old) that will only write on the special paper that they come with.  They don't write on the carpet, walls, couch, face, clothing, shoes or Kaija.  Ingenious!  Paige loves to color.

"See, I can do it all by myself.  Quit trying to do stuff for me."

Eating cereal (with milk) with a spoon.  Check.

"Why is the water falling out of the sky Daddy?  And why are you standing in it?"

Paige was looking out the window at the rain, and I had to run outside and get a shot.  (Thankfully I grabbed the D200, rather than the D70s, because it has weather sealing...)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Week 01.29 - I Pledge Allegiance to Who?

 "Great Grandma Dori, do you know who we should be rooting for?  I don't get it..."

Well, Round One of Brewers v. Twins was a rousing success for ye olde Minnesota Twins.  A whole troupe of cheese-eating, beer drinking, sconnie's came to town for the game (aka Grandparents, Great-Grandparents, Uncle and Aunt-to-Be) on Sunday.  Sounds like it was a fantastic game (I wouldn't know, as Paige was not having any of the sitting and waiting for a baseball game to happen.  We managed to catch the first inning live, and the ninth inning on the tv near the concession stand.)  I give Target Field an "A" for game viewing and actual baseball, an A for accessibility of food and beverage, a D- for logistical planning (aka the layout of stairs/access to get to the upper decks is crazy stupid), a C for location, and an F for failing to put a retractable roof on the stupid thing.  Although if you were to ask me my scorecard for the old Dome, it would be straight C- to F's across the board.

Bonus Photos:

"No, It says "Twins" on my shirt silly."


We went camping in Stevens Point for the weekend with a large portion of Valerie's family.  We had a great time.  Paige was able to take more than a few rides in her new "all-terrain" edition of the classic Radio Flyer. 

"Noodles?  I thought I hated noodles, but these are fun."