Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 320 - Bring on Autumn

"Dad, this is kinda gross."

It's fall, time for pumpkins and dealing with the remains of your garden right? Paige was less than enthused by the giant pumpkin. I think it might have been the prickly stem. The sweater that she is wearing really reminds me of my Grandma Julia for some reason (that is where her middle name comes from.) I am not sure why, but I swear that she had a similar sweater. Maybe with a green stripe, instead of pink.


My mom found a picture of the sweater I might have been thinking of. It is pretty similar.
(This is from my Baptism)

Day 319 - Turn Your Back.

"That'll teach you to try and cook dinner and ignore me!"

Paige's mischievous exploration seems to be expanding in a logarithmic manner. Pretty much everything needs to be out of her way at this point.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 318 - Huzzah!

"Happy Birthday Auntie Jane!"

We met up with my sister Jane out at the Renaissance Festival to celebrate her birthday. Paige really enjoyed all of the people watching, and playing with Auntie Jane's dragonfly balloon. The for today would have been Jane, Paige and the King, but for some reason when Paige touched the King's beard, she started crying. She normally is pretty good around strangers, but there was a fair bit of noise and ruckus going on (big surprise since it was the King.)

I quickly snapped this photograph in the booth/hut that was selling stained glass houses. The light coming in the back window made for some pretty nice light.

Day 317 - I've got a fever... of 103.

"I think I'll just rest my eyes for a minute in between courses if you don't mind."

Our friends Jason and Bridget brought their daughter Kate over for a visit and to grill out. It was a very nice visit. Fun to spend time with some other young parents wading their way through all of this. Kate is walking like a maniac and is ready to take on the world. It is hard to believe, but the last time that Kate and Bridget came over, Kate was about the same age as Paige is now (Day 28). It seemed so impossible that she would grow as much as she has in the last ten months. She has grown, however, and it is amazing to see where she will be heading soon.

During dinner though, Paige was very tired, and even fell asleep. By 9:00 she was running a fever of 103. Thankfully the infant motrin got her fever under control, and by morning she was ready to play and have fun again. Exhausted from the evening, but so happy she pulled through whatever it was so quickly. There must be something going around daycare.

Day 316 - Time for a Story

"I can't decide which one. I guess that means both!"

So Paige doesn't quite understand the concept of books yet, but I figure as long as she wants to grab them, that is a good sign.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 315 - Who Goes There?"

"You rang?"

Paige's nimbleness and leg strength is increasing by the day. She even has been able to stand momentarily without leaning on something. As a side note, when you are bouncing flash angles are very important. It is quite interesting how much the angle of the light can change the mood of a photograph.

Day 314 - Wednesday Night Lights

"On your left!"

Paige had her first track experience at the Boys Soccer game. She really liked crawling around on the track surface. Hopefully a sign of things to come. Unfortunately the Boys Soccer team lost to Blaine in a riveting, edge of your seat 0-1 loss.

Day 313 - Photographer's Assistant

"Uhhmmm, you don't need this reflector thing do you?"

Yeah, trying to take a formal portrait of a 10-Month old is an exercise in futility.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 312 - Good Night Kiss

"Good Night Mamma."

Sweet dreams, Monkey.

Day 311 - Spot the Monkey

"Thank goodness, it stopped."

Packed up the family and headed out to Como Zoo to check out the Zebras, Giraffes and of course the Monkeys. We had to make a quick stop in Como Town so Paige could ride on the safari jeap ride. I think she was happier when it stopped that while it was going. I think the Orangutan next to her kept trying to take her seat. And yes, unfortunately she is wearing her Green Bay Packers cheerleader outfit. She thought it was pretty gross (the Packers lost, I think its a sign).

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 310 - The Winding Path


Busy as always, that is for sure. She was exploring the yard and the rock path. It is hard to keep up with her some times. Especially when you are trying to focus a camera as she runs away.

Day 309 - Rub A Dub Dub

"I'm all clean and ready for the day."

Early morning bath time today. She was supposed to get one the evening previous, but had zonked out early. If she is going to fall asleep without a lot of crying, I'll take it.

Day 308 - Balancing Act

"Do Be Do Be De Bop Bop Yeah!"

Paige does play with regular toys too.

Day 307 - Toothwatch 2009


Tooth Update. Paige now officially has two molars coming in. First two on the top. I think that explains the crabbiness of late. The third and fourth teeth on the bottom are coming along well too. Next thing you know she'll have a full set.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 306 - The Little Mechanic

"Mom, I think this piece goes here, and I think you might have forgotten a wheel or something."

Had to reassemble the stroller to take Paige and Kaija for a walk this evening. Paige wanted to help out.

Have I mentioned lately how much the Chariot rocks? It does. A lot. You need one. Even if you don't have a baby.

Day 305 - Calling all Cops and Autobots.

"Grandpa Steve, is that you? I can hardly hear a thing you are saying!"

Grandpa Steve bought Paige a toy cell phone a little while back, and you can see in the photo here. I think she is just starting to get interested in it. We went to the Forest Lake Volleyball match against Roseville, but Paige was more interested in scattering crackers all across the floor and pulling toys out of the diaper bag. Maybe she'll play volleyball some day, though she'll have to show a little more interest during the game if she hopes to get any playing time.

Day 304 - Tools of the Trade

"Dad, this toy rules."

Proving yet again that all of the toys in the world fail miserably when put up against the simple tools that we use in ever day life. I would like to point out that the brush she is holding is older than I am. Pretty sure they don't make brushes to last 29 years (or longer) any more. ...I sound like my parents.

Day 303 - The Half

"Good Job, Grandpa! I guess you did ok too Daddy."

Well, the 2009 Dick Beardsley Half Marathon was a success. My dad finished in 1:50:27, and I finished in 1:42:51. A solid race performance. Not a PR, but given that I have not put in the same amount of training this year (I can't imagine why...) I'm still pretty happy with it. Paige liked the medal.

You'll also notice I'm sporting my http://www.ely2016.com/ shirt. Thanks Mom!

Day 302 - Over the River and Through the Woods

"A whole new house to explore and couch to stand on. This is what I'm talking about."

Paige, Kaija and I drove up to my parents place in Detroit Lakes for the weekend as I was running in the Dick Beardsley Half Marathon with my Dad. Valerie was taking a class on learning how to put on and take of casts all weekend, so she had to stay back in the cities. Of course the grandparents were thrilled that Paige (and Kaija!) was coming up for her first visit to Detroit Lakes.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 301 - Music Maker

"This is almost as cool as banging a wooden spoon on a piece of Tupperware"

Maybe Paige will play the xylophone some day. Or at least some type of percussion instrument.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 300 - Here comes the story of the lasagna hurricane.

"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to try and grab that."

Mushed lasagna in a jar with "tender morsels" (doesn't that sound like dog food?) + Paige wanting to feed herself with her hands = bath time.

Ok, I know there have been more than enough "Paige with food on her face" photos, but seriously, how could I pass this one up?

Day 299 - Climbing Higher.

"Climbing stairs, check. What else do you got?"

Paige climbed the entire flight of stairs from our living room to our bedrooms all by herself without any assistance from me. She did it very quickly too.

Day 298 - I'll eat my candy with the Pork and Beans

"Beans r' good."

Paige likes baked beans. Who doesn't?

Day 297 - Lake Minocqua

"Woah, is this why they call this place Beer Can Island?"

We spent the day on a pontoon boat cruising around Lake Minocqua. Paige had a really good time for the most part. She was a little fussy about the life jacket, but I think she'll get used to it over time. There was a nice sand bar that you could beach the boat on and hang out. It was called Beer Can Island. I have no idea why... Heh.

Day 296 - Baby you can drive my car.

"Beep Beep, m, Beep Beep, yeah."

Why didn't we have cool toys like that when we were little. This one was great until Paige realized that she could lean over and start grabbing rocks. Which of course she then tried to eat.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 295 - A Valiant Effort.

"Go Rangers, You can beat Cretin!"

Paige and I went to the Forest Lake / Cretin-Derham Hall football game (which Valerie obviously had to work) before heading to Wisconsin for Labor Day. Of course by went, I mean we sat outside the school and played in the grass, as our pass was locked in the training room. I didn't have a key to get in, and it probably would not have been a good idea for Valerie to leave the game to let us into the school. As you will note above, Paige decided to clap when there was a loud noise and a big cheer. I like to think it was when Forest Lake made a great play, but we can't be sure. She has really taking a liking to clapping and giving high fives.

Unfortunately the Rangers were not able to pull off the big win and upset. I guess Cretin has the number one recruit in the country, Seantrel Henderson. Hopefully the next game will go better for the mighty Rangers.

Day 294 - Profiles


I wish I could tell you that she was looking at something profound, important and life-changing. She wasn't. She was just looking at Hokey Pokey Elmo.

Day 293 - The Gate.

"Mark my words, I will get beyond this gate. Even if I have to eat my way through."

In stark contrast to Day 292, being a baby must also suck. Baby gates are, unfortunately, a necessary evil. If we ever put Paige on one of those toddler leashes, I give anyone and everyone full authority to ridicule us until we take it off in shame.

Day 292 - Life on the Outside

"So many things to learn about, I don't even know where to start."

The world outside must be so fascinating for a baby. Everything is a new adventure. Even landscaping wood chips.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Short Note

It is going to be a few days till I can update the blog.  We are heading to Valerie's Dad's cabin in Wisconsin for the weekend, so the next posts probably won't be until Tuesday.  Happy Labor Day all.