Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day 199 - We're Gonna Win Twins.


Like Mother, Like Daughter. We watched the Twins game today after going for a nice bike ride. Paige and Valerie both fell asleep. It is to be expected I suppose.

(They finally won again today.)

Day 198 - Harriet Island

"This is the life, just hanging out in the sun, watching the boats go by."

We took a trek down to Harriet Island to enjoy the beautiful weather we were having in St. Paul this weekend. It has been a little dry this May, but I'm not complaining that is for sure.

Day 197 - Seriously, I think her teeth are coming.

"Ow, my mouth hurts. Maybe this will help."

Notice the large quantity of drool. Hopefully by this time next week I'll have a nice smiling tooth filled shot. (or maybe this crying, drooling, chewing thing will go on forever.)

Day 196 - Playing in the Grass.

"Hey, I can sit up now, why can't you?"

Paige can pretty much be trusted to sit up on her own for the most part now. Not nearly as wobbly as before. I don't think I'd leave her sitting by herself on a hard surface quite yet, but soon.

(and yes, I do know that my lawn needs a serious cutting.)

Day 195 - Closing in on Teeth

"Hey that is perfect, for chewing on."

I seriously think her teeth are coming soon.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 194 - Leaning Kitchen?

"Camping was fun, but it feels great to be back home again."

Back into the swing of things for a couple weeks of normalcy before Summer really gets cooking.
It is just the camera distorting the entry way to our kitchen; it isn't actually leaning over like that. The Nikkor 18-55mm AF-S isn't exactly rectilinear. (but it isn't all that bad either)

Day 193 - More toys than at which you can shake a stick.

"I am the Boss D.J."

Yep, another toy purchased at the garage sale extravaganza. Camping isn't like it used to be. The last day of camping was a little chilly, but very sunny. Good times were had by all, and Paige sure seemed to enjoy herself. She slept like a rock when we arrived back home as well, so that is also a good thing!

Day 192 - Campfire Kansas

"Cough, Cough, all this smoke!"

Ok, so we were in Wisconsin, and not Kansas, but I really love that song by the Get Up Kids. Paige was able to hang out for a little while by the fire with us before she fell asleep for good (and then slept in till almost 8:00!) She was hanging out on Grandpa Steve's lap, playing with one of the many new toy that her Grandma purchased for her on the garage sale-ing trip.

Oh and technical note to self: Hey dummy, when you are intentionally underexposing the photograph to ensure that the image is a fitting representation of a dark scene, turn off Auto-ISO. It will be easier to capture the intended image and you will have a lot less noise to deal with.

Day 191 - Jungle Gyms

"Yeah, I don't think I'm quite ready for this one yet Mom."

The campground we were at had a pretty nice playground for the kids. Paige spent some time on the swings, went down her first slide, and went down the big twisty slide with Mom. I don't think she was quite ready for the monkey bars, or whatever these modern day contraptions that act like monkey bars are called (despite the fact that I call her monkey all the time).

Day 190 - Camping Trip in the land of Cheese

"Cousins, huh? Any good leads on how to ditch these grown ups?"

We spent Memorial Day weekend camping in Stevens Point, Wisconsin with Valerie's family. Paige was able to spend some time with her cousin Gavin. He is almost 1, and gave us a good look into what is coming shortly. All in all, Paige did fantastic, and the trip was a lot of fun. More photos from the weekend will be coming (obviously...)

Day 189 - I've Got Mad Parenting Skills, Jelous?

"Good save Dad, loser."

Here is a little How-To Manual for making a 365 blog of your child in case a Dad is looking for advice on starting up his own blog.

1. Take pictures of the child every day.
2. Pick the best one and post it to your blog.
3. Don't let said child fall over while you are taking pictures.
4. If you fail at no. 3, make the best of it.
5. Don't tell Mom.

(She only cried for a second, I swear...and I felt really bad.)

Day 188 - Reading

"This reading stuff is EASY. You just push a button and the book sings to you."

Paige loves her book. Well, she loves to knock it over, smash the buttons to have it make noise, and of course, eat it. Here's to hoping we can move on to the Guitar Hero guitar in the background soon.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 187 - Bright Futures

"Whoa. Who turned out the lights?"

Valerie bought Paige her first pair of sunglasses today. 6 Months old, and already cooler than her Dad. Seems like an essential purchase since we are going to be camping in Wisconsin for Memorial Weekend. (Summer here we come!)

Day 186 - Question the Answers.

"You sure about that?"

I have a feeling her teachers will become quite familiar with this facial expression.

Day 185 - Weekend Wrap Up.

" I think you've more than made up for all of the green and yellow by now, can I try on something other than pink?"

Sunday was another beautiful day, a little chilly perhaps (hence the Mom-mandated hat), but still beautiful for spring in Minnesota. We are pretty excited to get out into the yard again, it has been far too long.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 184 - What a weekend.

"Grass, I like it. The real question is, what does it taste like?"

It was way too nice of a weekend not to spend time out in the yard. A little bit cool perhaps, but as long as we were in the sun it was no problem. She did have socks on, but they don't stay on her feet very long. I don't think she likes them very much. This picture almost didn't make it though. Had I not cut off her feet in this one, it would probably have been the photo for today.

Day 183 - Mega Saucer or Mega Evil?

"How dare you bother me whilst I sit at my toy lab bench conducting diabolical experiments!"

Seriously, the mega saucer looks like a baby version of Frankenstein's lab. It is as if you took the Land of Misfits Toys, shook them up, and then spread them in a circle. I can just see her standing in it rubbing her hands together, while shouting "It's Alive! It's Aliiiiiiiive!" She sure enjoys it though.

Day 182 - Six Months.

"Ahhh, Thwap. Take that!"

Paige is officially six months old. Holy cow, where did all the time go? I'd say she's accomplished a lot in those six months too. She has quickly proven that her favorite things may not cost a whole lot as well (nice, right?) The ball she is swinging around was a gift from another child in her daycare class. It is a little purple ball with a big green eye and some buck teeth. She loves to grab it and swing it around, toss it and watch it roll, and of course, lick it!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 181 - Three Peas in a Pod.

"You know what Dad, if they are so good for you, why don't YOU eat them."

So, I hate peas (unless they are raw and still in a pod). Valerie hates peas in all forms. Paige, is not a big fan of the puree o' pea. Yet, of course, being the good (evil?) parents that we are, we force her to eat them. She really didn't want them tonight. She grabbed the spoon, and I thought she would try to feed herself. Nope. Had to clean the camera after this one.

Day 180 - Window Light

"Another one Dad? Even I'm bored of these."

I really like natural light portraits. Hopefully you do too. Windows with indirect light work very well, though i probably should have set up a reflector to send a little light back onto her face on the shadow side.

Day 179 - Moving on Up

"Hm, I think these "leg" things can really help me."

Paige is starting to push with her legs, and as a result her butt is popping up a little bit. At this rate, she is going to be crawling before she rolls over! (Yeah, she is still refusing to roll over. At least she has stopped throwing tantrums as soon as she is placed on her stomach, it takes at least 5 minutes some times before that happens.)

Day 178 - Mother's Day

"All these times, I fall asleep in one place, and wake up somwhere totally different. Sort of freaky."

We had a very enjoyable first Mother's Day. We went out to brunch at Granite City, Planted flowers, vegetables and herbs, and then drove to my Brother's house for dinner. It is always great to see family. Paige fell asleep on the car ride home (as per the usual, just like her mom). I can guarantee that I appreciate that right now. Not looking forward to car tantrums.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 177 - Figuring it out

"What am I supposed to do with this thing, anyway?"

Paige has started to like her pacifier a bit more. She spends more time chewing on it that sucking on it though. Also, you will note that she is wearing the outfit that Paige's, I guess she'd be her great, great aunt Marcelle. Thanks!

Day 176 - Growing

"Just a little bit further now..."

Paige is officially taller than Valerie's leg up to her knee. We noticed when taking this photograph. It seems like it happens almost over night. You lay her down to sleep, and the next morning her hair is way thicker or she seems like she is an inch taller. Happens so fast.

Day 175 - My Best Friend

"You're so furry and soft. How come?"

Paige has started taking an interest in Kaija. She really likes to watch her and giggle, she even tries to pet her. Valerie has been making sure that Paige pets Kaija pretty much every day, and I think it is working out well. Kaija on the other hand, well lets just say she accepts that Paige will pull on her fur from time to time.

Day 174 - Rubber Ducky, You're the One.

"I love bath time, it means i get to be naked!"

Paige loves her bath time, she kicks around in the water, splashes around, sticks her bath toys in her mouth (gross) and of course, tries very hard to scare me when she face plants into the water. Partially why Valerie does most of the bath duty!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 173 - Johnny Jump Up

"I think I just threw up a little bit..."

Paige's new favorite toy. She bounces and spins, bounces and spins, and then bounces some more. I posted a video on my flickr page (sorry about the quality. it is from my cell phone, which has about the worst video quality ever, and that is not hyperbole.) I realize it isn't actually a Johnny Jump Up, but this one is actually better, since it has the bumper. That way she won't brain herself on the door frame, which when you are a parent is probably job #1.

Day 172 - Faces and Processes

"Hmm, I don't know the answer to that one."

She sure knows how to make funny faces. Also, pushed this one pretty far in post. I think a little too far perhaps. Walking a fine line between interesting and perhaps scary.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 171 - Goodbyes

"Bye Bye Grandpa Steve. See you in a couple weeks!"

Every visit has to come to an end.

Day 170 - Backyard grill out

"Don't let go mommy, I'm scared."

We spent some time in the yard, grilled out and had a bonfire. Paige didn't make it to the bonfire, she was a little bit too tired from all the bustle and activity from the weekend.

Day 169 - Play Ball.

"Uh, that dog is kind of creepy. Don't make me look at him."

Grandma Alice and Grandpa Steve came to visit this weekend and we went to watch Valerie at work and the Forest Lake baseball team. Snort the mascot for the local printer or something was running around. Kinda scary if you ask me. Forest Lake won in a nail biter.

Day 168 - Change of Clothes

"Like my outfit?"

Babies go through a lot of clothes in day. As you'll note in today's photo, she is wearing a very nice black and pink dress, with a quite complementary green and orange onesie. Outfits don't generally last too long as a complete set.