"So...Do I Get a Cake or Something?"
We had quite the busy weekend visiting with friends. Saturday evening was spent with our friends Jordan and Greg (who are expecting a baby in February!) and Katie. Sunday evening was spent with Breanna, Mike, Gretta and Jim. Plenty of good food, a few too many glasses of wine, and nice conversation. Valerie really appreciated getting out of the house I think.
December 14, 2008. Paige is officially 1 month old. A month in review: she has gained about 2 lbs. and grown at least 1 inch. She has been successful in holding her head up on her own. Her eyes are starting to focus, she is starting to grab things. All in all, quite the successful month I would say. Now we just have to work on potty training, selecting a college, and of course, mastering Guitar Hero.
Oh, and if anyone who may read this is wondering and hasn't heard, the January issue of Good Housekeeping Magazine is now out on news stands, and yes, I am pretty self-conscious about the fact that my face is currently in most super markets across the United States. It is a pretty wierd feeling.