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So I am a little late in posting up the Christmas photos. I hope you can forgive me. We had a very busy end of the year and things are just starting to settle down. We were able to go see Santa, after having prepped Paige for about two weeks. When she sat on his lap, she didn't have a total meltdown, but didn't have anything to say to the Jolly Old Man either. Ah well.
Bonus Photos: (it was a busy week, so there are lots of em).
"We got to see Santa AND go on tons of rides. What a great day!"
After visiting Santa we headed on over to Nickelodeon Universe to hit up the rides. Paige loves rides. From the smallest little kid bus rides to the roller coaster, she just adores it. She must get that from Valerie.
"Look at my nails, look at my nails. See?"
Paige had a very exciting and enjoyable Christmas down in Wisconsin. Here are just a few shots of her having fun. Hopefully the extra photos make up for the delay.